Wednesday 24 February 2010

Our Sound is Our Wound - Part 1

"their sound itself becomes a wound - a sacrifice that they willingly make, fashioning a beauty that needs neither explanation or excuse." p2 (talking about a string quartet)
I don't get it!  At least, not yet.  I am reading this as part of my lenten study (see here).  This post will record my thoughts on the introduction and there will no doubt be others.

Lucy Winkett is using sound as a metaphor and as a tone deaf non musician I am not finding this easy.  That said, in the introduction she also writes a lot of things that I do understand and which do resonate, and for which the sound metaphor adds not one jot (for me).
There is no normative experience against which everything everything should be measured, and, when we recognise this, our relationship with God and our understanding of human beings will be only expanded and enriched. (Sparked by the idea of the deaf musician - especially Evelyn Glennie) p5
Emotional or psychological wounds are harder to see and therefore easier to hide.  But part of maturing as people, whatever our circumstances, is that we learn to live with the wounds from our past.  It can be precisely from contemplating and accepting those wounds that we begin to mend, and that we learn that it is never to late to start again.  p6
Christians offer modern society the conviction that wounds, which are a part of the human condition, are given meaning by meditating on them in the light of the wounds of God, seen in Jesus. p7
All language that we use about God is metaphor... p8 
I found all of these quote immensely powerful, but so far I am finding the attempt to force them into a "sound" straitjacket unhelpful.  That said I am looking forwards to the rest of the book!

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