This is a wonderful local community project raising money for Streetkids in South America, and also building community in the wider Amersham area.
I have a show, Call Reverend Alan on Thursday lunchtimes 2nd, 9th and 16th December at 1pm (hence the point of the plug!).
I'm also doing Thought for the Day on 1st December at about 7.45.
The show will be an opportunity to call, email or tweet in and ask questions of my guests and myself , as well as listen to some of the things that my guests are up to and a few songs. As I write, the schedule is:
2nd December: Rev’d Dr Lesley Fellows, Member of Oxford Diocesan Environmental Group, International Moderator, No Anglican Covenant Coalition and blogger.
9th December: Rt Rev’d Dr Alan Wilson, The Bishop of Buckingham (and blogger)
16th December: Rev’d Paul Willis, Co Founder Wycombe Night Shelter
16 December: Rev’d Pippa Soundy Assistant Curate St Michael and All Angels, Amersham on the Hill, Community Minister to the Church Mission Society, based in Oxford